Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Fallowfield Bird Life

Before any of you guys get the wrong idea I’m talking about wild birds – not the human variety!

When Mike and I moved to Fallowfield 20 years ago, there was very little garden and apart from the well established woodland of which there is about 30 acres, very few trees in general.  We immediately set about planting a 2 acre garden and hundreds of trees all around the place.  All of these trees are now mature and giving brilliant shelter to the alpaca paddocks.  Much needed as we are about 650 feet above sea level here!    Roll on summer and we get to see all that greenery again. There were very few birds to be seen when we arrived but now the place is a real haven for wild life.  We get lots of small birds on the nut and seed feeders and even get great spotted wood peckers feeding there too. 

We are lucky enough to still have a few red squirrels here although sadly enough we are starting to see a few greys.

There are loads of pheasants here and they provide good entertainment for our alpaca crias who love chasing them.  Actually I am the one who is getting chased by a cock pheasant every day at the moment.  The cocks are all getting territorial as the mating season gets closer and one cock pheasant in particular seems to think that he owns the area of the drive and garden immediately in front of the house. So every time I walk along that way or even drive in or out – out pops the pheasant and does his best to chase me away!  He was even having a rather noisy conversation with our free-range hens yesterday as to who had squatters’ rights over that part of the garden!
We've had such a busy day that the weanlings managed to escape their halter training session today.  Must get back to it tomorrow though as if you miss more than a day, you really notice that they are not as good as previously.  Little and often is the only way.  This lot are pretty good though and it’s only Isidor who tends to lie down if he thinks he can get away with it.  I find that as long as I keep talking to him and let him see my face as I walk in front of him, then he is ok.  Of course, walking backwards has its own inherent risks!!!
Having spent so long doing building alterations and painting our holiday cottage, in other words all the boring bits! – it’s great to be now hanging curtains and kitting it out with all the glass and china etc.  Found a great place in Newcastle today that supply china and glass to the hotel and catering trade.  They were such a nice bunch – so helpful! -  had some great stuff too.  Inevitably, we had to do the Ikea run as well – thank goodness it was quiet and we’ve learnt the shortcuts through the store.  We meant to grab a quick coffee there but couldn’t understand how to work the Self Service machines – that’s what happens when you’re getting on in years like us!!!

1 comment:

  1. IKEA, always a bargain to be found. We are lucky enough to live 10 minutes away from the biggest one in this part of the country, or perhaps UNLUCKY, as it's always tempting to go and check itout...however...never on a weekend! Checked out the website for crosby's....interesting. Anja.
