Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Alpacas for Sale

It is a sad fact of life that as professional alpaca breeders, we have to sell some of our animals from time to time.  In an ideal world, I wouldn't sell any of them but I suspect that Mike might agree to differ unless of course we won the lottery!  Unlikely!!!!!!!

I have just updated our sales lists this evening and have added Octavius and Nautilus.

I must admit that Octavius is not looking his best in this photograph - I shall have to concede that the farm labourer who is swannng around in the Alps is a better photographer than me!  It would also help if Octavius did not look quite so grubby!

What I would say is that this is a great opportunity to get some fantastic genetics into your herd at a very reasonable price.  Perhaps your preference is for coloured alpacas - but remember his sire is fawn and grand sire and grand dam are also fawn and brown, so I would not hesitate to put him over your coloured girls.  This is the way to get some better fleece quality into your coloured herd.

Nautilus is a lovely boy with a gentle temperament, but a character for all that.  He is used to being handled by many different people attending our various alpaca courses.  He would make a great pet.
We have also got a dark brown weanling called Fallowfield Sylvester, who is a brother to Nautilus, and who will be added to the sales list in the next few days. 

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