Thursday, 2 January 2014

The Party's over!

Yup the party is definitely over and the post Christmas clean up has begun.  As we've had the odd blowy day round here, there is even more clearing up to do than usual. 

Melania is looking particularly sheepish - sorry should that be camelidish??!! - but I don't really think she can be blamed for this wrecked fence.

Mike is feeling pretty smug as he is definitely ahead of the game in the clean up stakes - at least compared to the inside of the house.  Just look at his tidy barn.

Believe you me this all looks a lot tidier than it did last week!


  1. Going to show peter your barn ... just what we need! Happy New Year and good luck with the clearing up - we still have a load to do!

    1. That is probably the best barn Mike designed for us - practice makes perfect! There are animal pens in one side too. Hope you get your buildings sorted out before too long. Happy New Year to you all - don't work too hard!
