Monday, 29 July 2013

I'm still here!

I do appreciate that many of you may be thinking that I have disappeared -  but no I am still alive and kicking and so is Mike!  It’s just that I seem to have rather too much to do right now  - including supplementary feeding little Livia who is now really starting to thrive.
We have had a lovely American family staying with us for Bed and Breakfast for the past few days.  One of the dishes that I serve for breakfast is American Blueberry pancakes.  I make loads of these and several English people have said that my pancakes are better than any they’ve tasted in the US.  So what do I do when an American orders them – I don’t exactly burn them, just serve them slightly caramelised!!!  Personally I’m blaming the fact that as it is so hot here I switched off my AGA a few days ago and I’ve been relying on my electric cooker.  That’s been fine except for this first morning of B and B brekkies this week when they seemed to order a great number of brekkie permutations.  I think that I was only saved by the fact that the guy who had ordered these pancakes was a ravenous 15 year old and the pancakes didn’t seem to touch the sides.  Great!!  Needless to say – he didn’t order pancakes this morning!!!!

We hadn’t been sure whether we should hold another Open Day here this year, but since we have  had so many enquiries on the subject, we thought that we had best organise another.  So the 2013 Fallowfield Alpaca Open Day is on Sunday 4th August, between 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm.  Of course, it’s one thing deciding that it would be a good idea to hold an Open Day and quite another to organise it.  Despite the fact that we’ve done this before, there is still a lot to do! 
I’ll update you all with a progress report tomorrow when hopefully my internet connection will not keep crashing.  I’m really hoping that the pigs are not responsible!!!!

And just in case you were wondering - no we haven't had any more crias.  They are seriously overdue!



  1. I'm sure the pancakes were delicious - caramelised or not Melanie. And I can't believe it's a year since the last open day - hope the weather is much better than last year!

    Marie & Neil xx

  2. Lots of luck with your Alpaca Open Day..........Anja
