Hard to believe but the sun actually came out this afternoon
in Northumberland and the temperature rose to double figures. So, regardless of the fact that I have got
acres of paperwork to do – including the VAT return – I spent some time outside
absorbing that much needed Vitamin D.
So what’s new? Well
all of the animals currently on farm seem to be fine if very dirty – that’s the
show team heading off to the NWAG show at Carlisle next weekend. Well they would be, wouldn’t they! But of
course we have now got decisions to make as to which studs we are going to use
for our females. Although we have got
our own top class stud male, Houghton King, he is too closely related to many
of our females for us to use solely and of course, variety is the spice of life
– or so they say!
The chickens are fine – although it would be helpful if the
Buff Orpingtons weren’t permanently broody and hence not laying. I have tried to have a word with them but to
no avail. Maybe the imminent arrival of
about ten guinea fowl might spur them on.
It will certainly make sure that we are well informed of any visitors to
the farm as they are notoriously noisy if strangers appear. The plus side is that they are exceptionally
good to eat. Talking of which, we are
having pot roasted guinea fowl this evening.
I’m using Clarissa Dickson Wright’s recipe. The wonderfully irreverent
Clarissa was not only a great cook but a great countrywoman and will be sadly missed.
So what else to decide upon?
Flowers, flowers and more flowers!
No I’ve not lost the plot (completely!) but Mike and I have decided that
since it is physically impossible for us to consume all the veg. that we
usually grow in our vegetable garden, we are going to turn it into a flower
cutting garden. So watch this space!
And of course, last but definitely not least – pigs! Oh
yes! No problem in deciding to stick
with the Oxford and Sandy Blacks – they looked good and they tasted ever so
good! The next lot arrive on Sunday but
we must decide whether we go for more bacon, sausage, or whatever – my mouth is
watering at the thought!